
Average score 534 Reviews
Joana Vasco noted on Google

Oh top comme à chaque fois ❤️❤️❤️ (Translated by Google) Oh great as always ❤️❤️❤️

13 days ago
Emma “Filie” Martin noted on Google

25 days ago
Agnès Henray noted on Google

Excellent comme d'habitude... (Translated by Google) Excellent as usual...

27 days ago
Ethan Cheignon noted on Google

Je trouve que la galette a été bonne juste la première galette un peu liquide (Translated by Google) I think the pancake was good, just the first pancake was a little liquid.

28 days ago
Philippe Tcheng noted on Google

Bonne cuisine et choix des plats qui sort un peu de l’ordinaire Belle terrasse sur un ré petite place (Translated by Google) Good cuisine and choice of dishes that is a little out of the ordinary Beautiful terrace on a small square

28 days ago
joy remy noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I ordered fish-flavored shredded pork and almost cried after eating it! This is the first "dish" I've had in Paris for so long, and it's so delicious! The boss asked me what I was doing here, and I said look at the Pompidou next to me. The boss said he didn’t know what Pompidou did, haha! I’ll have a meal every weekend from now on! (Original) 点了个鱼香肉丝,都快吃出眼泪来了!来巴黎这么长时间吃到的第一个“菜”,简直太好吃了! 老板问我来干嘛,我说看旁边的蓬皮杜,老板表示不知道蓬皮杜是干什么的,哈哈! 以后每个周末都来搓一顿!

1 month ago
Kim Ma David Chou noted on Google

1 month ago
Solene noted on Google

1 month ago
Michel Rao noted on Google

1 month ago
Guy JOGUET noted on Google

1 month ago

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