
Average score 534 Reviews
Marie-Laure VICTOR noted on Google

5 months ago
Louise Gaudin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious, very good value for money Fast service (Original) Délicieux, très bon rapport qualité prix Service rapide

5 months ago
Daniel Bujorean noted on Google

(Translated by Google) That was delicious ! We had 3 different chicken dishes and they were all very distinct from each other. The portions are generous. This is a rare 10/10 for me. (Original) C'était délicieux ! On a pris 3 plat au poulet différents et ils étaient tous bien distincts les uns des autres. Les portions sont généreuses. C'est un rare 10/10 pour moi.

5 months ago
Virginie Laurent noted on Google

5 months ago
Kinary (Kinary.Food) noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food is really, really good, authentic Chinese cuisine. The portions are generous, good value for money. I only took takeaway, but in the restaurant the atmosphere was chaotic: extremely noisy room, and above all very unpleasant and stressful waitress who runs in all directions, throws plates loudly, shouts at the top of her lungs at her colleagues at the restaurant. at the other end of the restaurant, looks panicked and overwhelmed and doesn't try to hide it in the slightest. (Original) La nourriture est vraiment très très bonne, une cuisine chinoise authentique. Les portions sont généreuses, bon rapport qualité prix. J'ai uniquement pris à emporter, mais dans le restaurant l'ambiance était chaotique : salle ultra bruyante, et surtout serveuse très désagréable et stressante qui court dans tous les sens, balance les assiettes bruyamment, crie à gorge déployée à ses collègues à l'autre bout du restaurant, a l'air en panique et débordée et n'essaye pas le moins du monde de le cacher.

5 months ago
João A. B. Nogueira noted on Google

Best chinoise in Paris for me. Awesome food

5 months ago
Jerome Tut Tut noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A great discovery made with two friends who are regulars Everything is desirable and above all very good. New flavors for me. Excellent value for money (Original) Une belle découverte faite avec deux amis qui sont des habitués Tout est désirable et surtout très bon . Des saveurs nouvelles pour moi . Un excellent rapport qualité prix

5 months ago
Francesco Dandini noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent experience, in my country I have never found quality and flavors like in this restaurant, we were very satisfied. (Original) Ottima esperienza, nel mio paese non ho mai trovato una qualità e sapori come in questo ristorante, ne siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti.

5 months ago
Damien Gravelle noted on Google

(Translated by Google) good food in a beautiful setting, served by friendly staff. Also the value for money is very good. (Original) de la bonne nourriture dans un beau cadre, servie par un personnel aimable. Aussi le rapport qualité prix est très bien

5 months ago
DALINE H noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Best Chinese restaurant in Paris, the dishes are tasty, the portions generous, we always enjoy it! (Sichuan chicken, soy rice, sautéed eggplant) (Original) Meilleur restaurant chinois à Paris, les plats sont savoureux, les portions généreuses, on se régale toujours ! (Poulet Sichuan, riz soja, aubergines sautées)

5 months ago

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