
Average score 534 Reviews
Berenice Chsn noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I wanted a warm and comforting dish and I was served The mapo tofu is delicious. First Pekingese soup I've had and I don't know it won't be the last. Very welcoming, the atmosphere of the restaurant is very pleasant. During one meal, I forgot that I was in Paris. thank you (Original) J'avais envie d'un plat chaud et réconfortant et bien j'ai été servi Le mapo tofu est délicieux. Première soupe pékinoise que j'ai pu mangé et je sais pas que ce ne sera pas la dernière. Très bien accueillant, l'ambiance du restaurant est très agréable. Le temps d'un repas, j'ai oubliée que j'étais à Paris. Merci à vous

8 months ago
kai yoda noted on Google

9 months ago
Peter Thompson noted on Google

A really good restaurant offering a wide choice of chinese/asian food. The food was tasty enough, service was excellent and a decent ambience.

9 months ago
Clara Bourquin noted on Google

9 months ago
Bogdan Pipa noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great Chinese food. (Original) Great chineze food.

9 months ago
marie-noelle Deudon noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Calm Very good and fresh Fast and friendly service (Original) Calme Très bon et frais Service rapide et souriant

9 months ago
A-J MUN noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was really good. The service was fast and the price was right. (Original) C'était très bon. Le service était rapide et le prix est correct.

9 months ago
Davivi noted on Google

9 months ago
Julien boudjeriou noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I visit my family who live in the neighborhood. They come to CHEZ MAMI very frequently and wanted us to try the place and the food. By far one of the best Chinese restaurants I have been to. Value for money - 10/10 Taste 10/10 Serving Size: 10/10 Place 10/10 Very commercial, helpful, fast and everything is exactly the same in real life as on the map (photos) If you are looking for a restaurant for this evening, look no further, go there! I had the shrimp ravioli and the duck Bo Bun!! (Original) Je visite ma famille qui habite le quartier. Ils viennent CHEZ MAMI tres fréquemment et voulaient nous faire essayer l’endroit et la nourriture. De loin un des meilleurs restaurant chinois ou j ai été. Rapport qualité prix - 10/10 Goût 10/10 Taille des Portion: 10/10 Endroit 10/10 Très commerçant, serviable, rapide et tous est exactement en vrai la même chose que sur la carte (photos) Si vous chercher un restaurant pour ce soir, ne cherchez plus, allez y! J ai pris les ravioli aux crevettes et le Bo Bun au canard!!

9 months ago
Bourgeois Louise noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Neighbors, we regularly come to dinner at Chez Mamie and the food is always delicious. The service is efficient and very pleasant. We recommend ++ the beef with satay and the beef with onions! (Original) Voisins, nous venons dîner régulièrement Chez Mamie et la nourriture est toujours aussi délicieuse. Le service est efficace et très agréable. Nous recommandons ++ le bœuf au saté et le bœuf aux oignons !

9 months ago

Chez Mamie 外婆家© 2024
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18 rue du Grenier Saint-Lazare
75003 Paris, France

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